Omentopexy (Pedical & Homograft) for salvage of endstage ischeamic extremity in Buergers' Disease (TAO)

(World wide accepted - Telecast in Living Pulse II series by Discovery Channel)

Eye can be revascularized by Pedical Omentopexy, improve vision
(Retina pigmentosa, Macular degen, Choroditis, Central artery occlusion Optic atrophy)

Myocardium total revascularization by T.M.R. with Omentopexy

Dr. V.K. Agarwal, Prof. Emeritus
(Rt.), Medical College, Indore, India

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Omentum has vast network of blood vessels and lymphatics. It is known for its angiogenic properties.We used omentum for revascularization of the ischeamic limbs and eye (retina) and developed a technique (Agarwal technique) to lengthen and brought it up to the toes in legs*(1) and to retina in Eyes.** Omental homografts were also used as freegrafts with omentum.jpg (7026 bytes) success in ischeamic legs(2). We feel that this type of transplantation is effective because of its angiogenic properties and neovascularisation of  ischeamic tissues. Vineburg experiments have shown that omental grafts would develop communication with the local circulation which is ischeamic in 4-8 days after omentopexy, by biological capillary and arteriolar anastomosis wherever the vessels are patent. So Omentopexy would be effective in cases with multiple blocks without distal runoff where direct reconstructive surgery is not possible.

            We treat the early cases of Buergers conservatively with an advice to stop smoking, Sympathectomy is added if there is vascular spasm. If there are pregangrenous changes with good distal runoff bypass would be recommended. But if there is multiple occlusion with no distal runoff, we recommend the omentopexy as a choice of treatment to prevent amputation. We could save over 1000 patients from amputations with 85% good results in 16 years long term follow up. We have also used it with T.M.R. for Myocardial revascularisation with good results(7).

In eye blindness due to avascular diseases of retina like Retinitis Pigmetosa, Age related Macular degeneration and optic atrophy, currently has no treatment(4,5), and patients constantly loose vision and become blind in spite of all available treatment.
sing our experience of limb revascularisation with omentum and with experimental evidence of developing bypass between omental and retinal vessels(6), we developed new technique of Pedicle Omental transplantation in eye by which stomach vessel supplies eye (retinal bypass surgery).

It resulted a break through in medical science by restoring vision in a blind, a patient of retinitis pigmentosa, his visual acuity improved from 2/60 to 6/36 and field vision from 10 to 12 in 3 months. With our continue good results, Pedicle omental transfer offers new ray of hope in a-vascular diseases of retina to stop further detoration and improve vision.

Colour Doppler

No filling at vessels
Pre Op.
New Blood Vessels with good flow 
after 3 month
Post Op.

(1) Agarwal V.K.; Bajaj Sajni, Salvage of end stage ischeamic extremity by Buergers Disease. Ind. Jr. Thoracic & Cardiovas. Surgery 1987-88; 5 : 12-17.
(2) Agarwal V.K. ; Agarwal Sanjiv, Omental Allograft its role in revascularisation of ischeamic limbs with special reference to Burger's Disease the Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery. A Matsumoto, M.E. DeBakey et al. editors, © Elsevier Science Publishers BV.
(3) Agarwal V.K.; Buerger's Disease, Jr. Indian Medical Association, Vol. 97, No.7 July 1999
(4) Currently no treatment is available for Retinities Pigmentosa (text book on R.P.) John R. Heckenlively
(5) Mascular Degeneration now the leading cause of blindness in USA, D. Jackson Coleman, Jr. of American College of Surgeons, Vol. 197, No. 5, 2003.
(6) Harry S. Goldsmith, Wei-Fax Chen and Peter V. Palena. Intact omentum for Ocular vascularisation, Investigative ophthalmology 1975:163:14-2
(7) Agarwal V.K., Myocardial Revascularization by Pedicaled Omentopexy and Transmyocardial Acupuncture. An Exp. Study in Dogs; Saudi Heart Jr. Vol.7 July 1996.

Dr. V.K. Agarwal

M.S., F.A.C.S.
Sanjeevni Nursing Home
1, A Phadnis Colony
AB Road, Indore-452009 (MP) INDIA
Tel.: (91 731) 534346(R), 430033(C)
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